Sunday, December 6, 2009

Technology Woes

My computer has been malfunctioning the past week. I even had to restart the whole thing and lost some pictures which is a little unsettling. As the loss of anything will, I have been contemplating about what this loss means to me. I am living in the mountains in Africa where people live off less than a dollar a day and I have wireless internet in my house, my Itunes playing at my whim and entertainment in the evening by watching the newest movie I received from swapping with other volunteers.
The days without my computer I felt unproductive, lonely and frustrated. But when I think about how I feel when I have it I also feel I should be out communicating face to face with people here, I feel bombarded by all of the information available at my fingertips. I think that I have become addicted to being connected and entertained by this machine. When it doesn’t work I read more, visit more people, I draw and cook more labor intensive dishes that pay off. Maybe this is a tool that I would do better without. Yet, how would I communicate with you as I am now? I think I need to set computer usage limits because I fear it may become my escape vehicle, inhibiting me from engaging more physically with my immediate environment.

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