Tuesday, May 26, 2009


In February I moved into my first place and the freedom was immense. As much as I love my host family and still greatly do it was nice to be able to get back on a schedule that slightly resembled my previous life. I was able to eat what and when I wanted, sleep during hours that suited my internal clock, decorate a space that I could call me own and play my music to the loudest my laptop can allow.
The house was modest to say the least. I had a bedroom, small living room, kitchen and a bathroom. During the cold months in which I lived in said house I slept in the small living room next to the fireplace. I more or less took up residence in one room of the house only escaping to the kitchen for a glass of hot coco. The walls were painted a pale yellow, floors were cold cement. There was one window in the kitchen with a view of the Cedar Mountains. I became attached to having my own place but difficulties ensued due to the harshness of this past winter. I had severe water leakage from the snow and rain storms that saturated my house. Even with weeks of clear blue skies my house would not dry and everything began to mold and decompose. My new box of white envelopes was all sealed shut, my clothes became cold and moist and the pages of my books were cornering.
The entrance to my home was also not secure to my liking. The front of the house was made up of nailed scraps of wood with a door locked by a child’s pad lock. With a space open at the bottom of the door I witnessed mischievous cats escape through the front door when I would return home. One day, children, being unsupervised children, tore down a few of the front panels which I must admit was all too easy to accomplish. After this incident I decided there must be a better home for me.
My site mate was leaving soon as her term was about to expire so I took up residence with her and now am living in her house which is a step up. Her apartment is all well tiled, much grander in scale and has a double lock metal door and many windows to enjoy the morning sun. I feel secure and have more room than I know what to do with. It consists of a kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, entrance parlor and much larger living room where I even found a place to set up a desk to write this blog.
The house is also located near the river and I can enjoy the sounds of rushing water when I fall asleep and the sounds of donkeys braying when I wake. My new home is also large enough to host visitors so for those interested in a visit you are more than welcome and you will be accommodated as if you were a king in my village. I am glad I can share pictures with you but I would be thrilled to have you in my company in my first official house to myself. As the Moroccans would say MrHaba (your welcome).

1 comment:

mother'sdiary said...

Thank you for the kind invite into your new home...though i cannot visit physcally, my mind and soul are filled with your adventures and progress in what is a culure so divesified to what i am accustomed to. As an avid reader, what you post brings smiles/tears into a perspective that can only be seen and felt through your adventurous nature.